What Should I Wear
Appropriate dress and behavior is expected at Lakeland Elementary. Students should dress in a clean, neat and modest fashion. Clothing should be appropriate to keep children healthy and safe as well as ready to learn.
We ask that parents assist students in making responsible choices about their dress for school.
The following guidelines will be uniformly enforced throughout the school year:
- Shirts/blouses must cover the top of the shoulder, no halter or tank tops.
- Shoes must be appropriate for recess and PE, no flip-flop sandals, heels or platform soles over one and a half inches.
- Pants should be worn at the waist and not touch the floor.
- Shorts/skirts must be at least mid-thigh length, below finger tips held at side.
- No hats are to be worn in the building, except on special occasions.
- No undergarments showing.
- No chains or other accessories can be worn that could result in harm to self or others.
- Clothing must cover entire torso.
- No clothing will be permitted that disrupts the educational process or creates a health or safety hazard.
- No clothing will be permitted that displays pictures, symbols, messages or innuendoes of the following nature: obsecene, sexual, harassing, violent, drug or alcohol related, gang membership or gang related.
A good decision making rule:
"When in doubt, choose something else to wear.